There are a number of marketing courses available online, some free, some not so free. Free ones may not be as comprehensive as paid courses, but can give you an idea of what to expect. Paid courses are also more relevant and up-to-date, and are a much better option if you want to learn more about specific tactics. Here are three examples of free courses available online. Hopefully, one of these will fit your needs.
Topic 11 explores the globalization of competition and the challenge to the U.S. economy. Topic 12 examines how a company can leverage customer relationships to deliver superior quality and reduce costs. In addition, it examines the issues that underlie total quality management. The student must also complete an internship under the supervision of an instructor. The course is designed to give you a broad understanding of how to use analytics software and to present it to various audiences.
Courses in marketing can also focus on specific issues, like social media, customer service, or consumer behavior. These courses are designed to build foundational knowledge and hands-on experience necessary to excel in today’s marketing environment. Graduate-level students may repeat one of these courses for credit, but they must obtain the consent of the instructor. Some marketing courses also offer electives and concentrations. This way, you can build your marketing skills while pursuing a graduate degree.
Free online marketing courses are also popular. Courses like Marketing in a Digital World, which is taught by an Illinois professor, cover the latest trends in digital marketing and the power of the consumer. These courses are perfect for those who want to get a better understanding of where the marketing field is at today and where it is going. They are also part of the University of Illinois’ Digital Marketing Specialization. These online marketing courses are designed to give you a comprehensive grounding in marketing theory and technique.
Students interested in marketing will learn various strategies for advertising and promotions. By doing so, they will attract the right customers and turn them into loyal ones. They will return for more services and be more likely to recommend your services. This kind of marketing is crucial to growing businesses, and a degree in marketing can lead to a variety of different careers. For instance, a graduate in marketing may pursue careers in digital marketing, PR, sales, or even UX (user experience). Ultimately, marketing skills can benefit a person in any type of leadership position.
Marketing of services is different from marketing of goods, and has its own challenges and opportunities. For example, a graduate in marketing of high-tech products will learn about the forces that drive competition in industrial markets, and will develop an analytical approach to the problem. They will also learn about the various types of marketing that can benefit a small business. Depending on the course, a student may choose a marketing specialization that is unique to their needs.